Through CME activities organized by the American Association of Continuing Medical Education® providers as well as self-organized activities, including: conferences, symposium, workshops, Regularly Scheduled Activities (RSA), cancer boards, postgraduate courses, Online CME, Self-Assessment Programs, the publication of “Association Journal”, periodicals, we strives to not only meet but also exceed the educational, clinical, intellectual, and advocacy needs of doctors and other healthcare professionals around the globe.

To achieve this task, the American Association of Continuing Medical Education® established 7 international Regional Office to cater to providers around the globe. These regional offices serve nearly 73 countries through the following Regional Offices:

  • Regional Subcommittee for Africa (AFRO)

  • Regional Subcommittee for the Americas (ASRO)

  • South Eastern Asia Regional Subcommittee (SEARS)

  • Regional Subcommittee for Europe (EURO)

  • Regional Subcommittee for the Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO)

  • Western Pacific Regional Subcommittee (WPRS)

Additionally, the American Association of Continuing Medical Education® have established Chapters and Regional Processing Centers, which are governed by its “Board of Regents”. These Offices are responsible for establishing policies, disseminating updated standards, monitoring accredited CME activities, establishing affiliations and partnerships with prominent academic and clinical institutions on an ongoing basis, and monitor providers’ performance and progress, making sure that our accredited activities are in full compliance with the American Association of Continuing Medical Education® Standards & Policies.


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